Nahar Khan is a writer, curator, and patron of the arts, serving as the Executive Director at the Bangladesh-based art foundation and intellectual initiative – the Gallery Cosmos and the Cosmos Foundation.
She’s an Arts & Culture enthusiast and is keen on working towards inclusive curatorial practices and curatorial activism in order to challenge assumptions, hegemony, and heterocentrism, and spark meaningful discourse around social, racial, and political issues. Khan is especially devoted to the cultural and historical exchanges between communities.
With a background in Communication & Technology from Simon Fraser University, Business & Management from Harvard Business School (HBS), and Media Studies from Cannes Lions School, Khan currently serves as the Executive Editor at United News of Bangladesh (UNB) and Vice President of the Cosmos Group. She oversees the operations of the organizations and is especially focused on the incorporation of technology to optimize workflow and streamline activities. She is focused on spearheading major strategic shifts for transforming IT from a functional focus to an enabler of innovation for the entity so that it supports a truly global company.